BEIJING, Mar 26th (DNA) The Launch Conference of Global Energy Interconnection (GEI) Development and Cooperation Platform was held here online and offline, which has attracted Pakistani scholars and students to participate and discuss.

According to Gwadar Pro, at the event, functions and benefiting aspects of GEI were narrated. Focusing on projects promotion, exchange and cooperation, resource sharing and conference services, the institution provides comprehensive services for government departments, enterprises, financial institutions and think tanks in global energy and power.

In an exclusive interview, Khalil Ahmad, Electrical Engineering master of North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) who attended the event, said, this platform may benefit Pakistani stakeholders, organizations and on-going cooperation under CPEC. Regarding energy demand in Pakistan, there are many potential areas where GEI can play its vital role.

He also listed several feasible areas of GEI utilization. Conventional furnace oil power plants and other potential sources of pollution, a huge adverse factor for mitigating climate change, can be optimized and reduced under global energy cooperation, especially under CPEC.

Regarding the positive role of GEI in climate change mitigation, another master majored in Electrical Engineering, Sajeel Bin Sohail said: “By considering the success and development of on-going projects, GEI is set to take initiative and work in collaboration under CPEC. I can imagine the green and low carbon environment of Pakistan which will make sufficient improvement in the overall global warming situation of the region.”

“In spite of many ongoing energy projects under the CPEC, there are still many slots to be filled in renewable energy production fields,” Khalil added, “By analyzing the current energy trend in Pakistan, the energy demand will be raised.

In such a situation, renewable energy is the optimum solution to meet the demand while keeping nature intact.”

Muhammad Farooq also agreed with this view. He believed that the diversity of GEI’s portfolio will bring CPEC projects to their next level smoothly.

Many initiatives in the mission statement of GEI will make CPEC projects much greener and closer to nature while meeting the energy demands.

Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO) is a non-governmental international organization which works towards promoting the establishment of a global energy interconnection system (GEI) to meet the global demand for electricity in a clean and green way, as well as to implement the United Nations Sustainable Energy for All initiative.

At COP24, GEIDCO promoted an action plan to scale up Global Energy Interconnection (GEI) in support of the goals of the Paris Agreement.