FPCCI for implementation on assistance announced by PML-N govt


KARACHI (DNA) – Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) on Tuesday stressed upon the Federal Ministry of Finance (MoF) that the exporters who had sustained huge financial losses on export of Kinnow to Russia in year 2016-17 shall be compensated losses by immediate approval of financial assistance of US$250 per container announced by the previous government so that the exporters having firm assurance to get DLTL can fully focus on export of Kinnow during the forthcoming season.

In a letter initiated by FPCCI Vice President Waheed Ahmed urged Minister of Finance Asad Umer and the Adviser to Prime Minister for commerce & Industry Abdul Razak Dawood the need for an immediate implementation of the DLTL scheme announced by the previous government for financial compensation to the affected Kinnow exporters.

The letter stated that the Kinnow exporters were highly motivated and encouraged with announcement of financial assistance (DLTL scheme) by the PML-N govt and as a result of that they devotedly work hard and attained an ever highest export volume of Kinnow of 3,60000 ton in the last Kinnow season.

The letter also expressed fear that if the announcement of DLTL scheme by the government is not implemented immediately then not only confidence of the exporters in credibility of government would be badly shattered but it is likely to have serious negative impact on achievement of export target of Kinnow during the forthcoming Kinnow season which is just 7 weeks away! If that happens, this in turn would further create shortage of foreign exchange and hence possibility of severe blow to the already depressed economy can’t be ruled out, a setback the country is just not in a position to afford at this juncture!

Ahmed further stated in his letter that Prime Minister Imran Khan has very keen to enhance exports of country and thus timely approval of the DLTL scheme would be a right step at right time in a right direction coinciding with the vision of the premier.

Meanwhile, All Pakistan Fruit & Vegetable Exporters, Importers & Merchants Association (PFVA) has also sent letters to the finance ministry, commerce ministry, TDAP, PHDEC and the FPCCI president apprising them of serious repercussion on export of Kinnow if the announcement of DLTL scheme is not immediately approved.

It further stated that the exporters put in their heart and soul together to achieve this amazing export volume of Kinnow in an anticipation that once they get US$250 per container, it would enhance cash liquidity and that would subsequently help them to achieve even still better results during the next kinnow season but in-ordinate delay in implementation of this announced scheme would have serious consequences on export of Kinnow in the forthcoming season.

According to PFVA, the professional image of this highly reputed Association would also be tarnished which has repeatedly assured it’s Kinnow exporters about the financial assistance and already completed it s internal process of scrutinisation of the claims submitted by the Kinnow exporters for onward submission to the TDAP.