ISLAMABAD, MAR 26: National Vocational and Technical Training Commission ensures maximum facilitation of Pakistani skilled workforce working abroad. In this context, NAVTTC has established online complaint handling mechanism available on its website i.e. to resolve the issues of Pakistani workforce expeditiously and swiftly.  Any Pakistani working abroad faced with difficulty in verification of certificate of any kind he may submit certificate and particulars through online portal. After due consideration NAVTTC will resolve the issue online without any cost.  

NAVTTC is perusing the policy of extending maximum support to Pakistani skilled workforce working abroad. The instant initiative is of NAVTTC’s effort to resolve the problems faced by workforce employed abroad.  A number of countries where Pakistani skilled workforce goes for employment have recently introduced changes in their registration regimes of foreign skilled workforce. In these countries the Pakistani workforce is increasingly facing the issues of verification of their skills and certification. To resolve such issues NAVTTC has introduced this online complaint readdressal system to reduce the problems faced by Pakistanis working abroad.

NAVTTC is also working on a plan to establish Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Centers in different countries where Pakistanis seek employment. In such centers Pakistanis who have the skills but lack certification can certify their skills by appearing for competency based trade testing.