Azerbaijan study center inaugurated at National Library


ISLAMABAD, MAY 02 (DNA) – Azerbaijan Study Center has been established at the National Library of Pakistan. Federal Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood and Ambassador of Azerbaijan Ali Alizade inaugurated the Center.Ambassador of Central Asian States and Russian Federation also attended the inaugural ceremony along with dignitaries from all walks of life.Various books about Azerbaijan have been displayed in the Center. Books related to Azerbaijan history; literature; culture; cuisines; life style and of course leaders of Azerbaijan especially Hyder Aliyev.

Federal Minister Shafqat Mahmood while speaking on the occasion thanked Azerbaijan for establishing the Center and providing people of Pakistan with an opportunity of getting first hand information about various aspects of Azeri life style.

He said Pakistan government accorded top priority to education and efforts were on to increase literacy ratio. Promotion of modern education and uniform syllabus was also among the priorities of the incumbent government, he added.

Ali Alizada, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan extended his gratitude to the Government of Pakistan, National History and Literary Heritage Division and National Library of Pakistan for cooperation and providing opportunity in establishing Azerbaijan Study Center in the National Library of Pakistan.

He added that, Azerbaijan Study Center established by the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation of Azerbaijan will serve for the further strengthening of friendship and brotherhood between Azerbaijan and Pakistan providing true and reliable information about Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijan – Pakistan relations.

Ambassador Ali Alizada mentioned that the Azerbaijan Study Center will enable scientists, scholars, youth and other representatives of  society to get knowledge and more information about policy, history, culture, heritage, science, social-economic development of Azerbaijan and at the same time will serve for the promotion Azerbaijan-Pakistan relations.

Talking aobut the social and humanitarian projects implemented by Heydar Aliyev Foundation of Azerbaijan in Pakistan, Ambassador  stressed that the books, computers, TV, furniture and some other relevant equipments and materials have provided to Azerbaijan Study Center by the support of Foundation and Foundation will also regularly supply with its new editions and thanked Foundation for its continued support.

Speaking about services and achievements of the National Leader of Azerbaijan Ambassador Ali Alizada mentioned that inauguration of the Azerbaijan Study Center is dedicated to the 96th birthday anniversary of late Heydar Aliyev, the National Leader of Azerbaijan who devoted his whole life for the prosperity of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijani nation.

He told that existed before Heydar Aliyev Corner in the Library is also renovated and provided with new editions and materials. He said that Heydar Aliyev Corner in the Study Center will also allow the visitors and the representatives of the society to further get acquainted, study the life and services of Heydar Aliyev and disseminate the works of the National Leader of Azerbaijan who laied foundation and played pivotal role in strengthening Azerbaijan-Pakistan relations.

Ambassador invited all representatives of the society to use possibilities of the center and contribute to the strengthening of Azerbaijan Pakistan relations.=DNA
