HEC cancels foreign degree equivalence


HEC Cancels Foreign Degree Equivalence


Islamabad, May 26: The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has withdrawn the Equivalence of LLB degree issued to Mr. Muhammad Khalid Khurshid on September 23, 2022, on receipt of following intimation by the University of London; “the envelope and its contents (copy of degree certificate, Letter of Certification, and transcript) were not issued by the University of London”.

In response to a query that the Bachelor of Law Degree submitted by Mr. Muhammad Khalid Khurshid Khan is not genuine, HEC reviewed and processed reverification of the LLB degree presented by Mr. Khan to HEC.

As per policy in vogue, the University of London was requested to check the authenticity of the degree, transcript and sealed envelope containing letter of verification provided by the applicant to HEC. In response thereto, the University of London confirmed that “the envelope and its contents (copy of degree certificate, Letter of Certification, and transcript) were not issued by the University of London.”

In terms of clause #7 of the Affidavit submitted by the Applicant to HEC stating that “if at any stage, it is revealed that any of my Academic document (s) i.e Degree (s), Transcript (s) are fake/bogus or not in line with the HEC Academic regulations, HEC Pakistan would have right to immediately cancel equivalence letter issued to me”. Resultantly, the Equivalence granted to the claimed University of London LLB Degree issued by the HEC to Mr. Muhammad Khalid Khurshid Khan has been withdrawn on May 12, 2023.