Erdoğan: Türkiye’s next general election planned to be held on May 14


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Wednesday signalled that he intended to call the next general election for May 14.

Türkiye’s next general election is officially due to be held on June 18.

But officials have been hinting for weeks that they may bring the polls forward because of religious holidays and school exams.

Erdoğan delivered a speech to his ruling party in which he recalled the day contemporary Türkiye held its first free election in 1950.

That May 14 vote was won by Adnan Menderes — a prime minister who was toppled by a military junta in 1960 and executed a year later.

Erdoğan has often compared himself to Menderes during his two-decade rule as prime minister and president.

“The late Menderes said on May 14, 1950 ‘enough, the people will have their say’, and emerged victorious at the ballot box,” Erdoğan said in televised remarks.

“Our people will give their answer to the (opposition) on the same day 73 years later.”