IoBM wins HEC Intervarsity Badminton Championship



ISLAMABAD, NOV 30: As many as 10 teams participated from across Karachi at the HEC Intervarsity Zone M Badminton (Boys) Championship 2022-23. The tournament was held at the Institute of Business Management (IoBM) on November 28-29, 2022. IoBM defeated NED in the finals by 3-1 to lift the trophy for the third consecutive year.

Present at the award distribution ceremony were IoBM’s Mr. Talib Karim, President; Ms. Sabina Mohsin, Executive Director; Mr. Mehboob Karim, and Mr. Nabhan Karim. Syed Ali Mehdi, former international player, and national badminton champion was also present. The tournament was organized by IoBM’s Mr. Riaz Akbar Contractor, Manager & HoD Sports & Student Affairs. DNA