Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday May 11, 2021 talked to people live on the national hook up. The Prime Minister not only listened to complaints and issues of the people from within the country but he chose to entertain a number of calls from the overseas Pakistanis as well. People shared with the prime minister their woes and grievances which had not been addressed by the quarters concerned. Most of the calls that emanated from abroad, related to qabza groups and land grabbers. The poor overseas Pakistanis had purchased a piece of land with the hard earned money but influential people in Pakistani grabbed their land forcibly.

The prime minister not only ordered immediate action but assured the overseas Pakistanis that even in future the government will extend maximum possible help to them. Then, overseas Pakistani also complained about the nonchalance attitude of the Pakistani missions abroad. A caller from German particularly shared his ordeal as to how he had been literally humiliated by the Embassy staff. The prime minister again ordered immediate action.

It was pointed out a few days ago in this newspaper that our missions abroad by and large exercise slackness in addressing problems of Diaspora. Some instances were also quoted in this regard. But now when the prime minister has taken personal interest in this matter therefore it is hoped that issues will be settled. As announced by the prime minister, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall establish a helpline just like the PM portal, where overseas Pakistanis could lodge their complaints.   This is indeed a praiseworthy step and will help mitigate sufferings of the Diaspora.

The prime minister also listened to complaints regarding housing issues. There is no doubt that the procedure to get loans from banks is a cumbersome process. And especially if you happen to be a poor folk then your problems are multiplied. This procedure needs to be simplified so that more and more people benefit from this scheme.

The prime minister rightly said that he would do his best to net all mafias, especially the sugar mafias. He assured people shall soon reap benefits of people friendly policies of the incumbent government. He said Shaukat Tareen’s main task was to bring down prices and improve the growth rate. Let us hope the new finance minister is able to live up the expectations because the price hike has really taken a heavy toll on the hapless people of Pakistan.

Summing up, the prime minister’s interaction with people has really paid the dividends and thus this practice should continue. People have rightly demanded to not only increase the duration of this interaction but frequency as well so that more and more callers are entertained.