FAISALABAD, APR 21 (DNA) – “Rehmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship” is a positive and productive initiative to facilitate the children belonging to the low income groups to get education and play their role in national uplift, said, Engineer Ihtisham Javed President Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI).

In a statement issued today, he said that Rehmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship will enable the younger generation to come out of the scourge of illiteracy and get respectable jobs after completing their education.

“Education will also change their mindset and help them to play their instrumental roles in the social and economic uplift of the country”, he added.

Discussing the merits and demerits of the traditional education, president FCCI said that through existing traditional education, we are only producing a force of unproductive youth who are only aspirants of government jobs. “On the other hand the government cannot accommodate them in the public sector due to limited financial resources”, he said and urged upon the government to revisit the modalities of this welfare scheme of Rs. 27.93 Billion to make it really productive and result oriented.

“No doubt traditional education is also an integral part of our system but we must focus on equipping our youth with technical skills, which will further accelerate the growth of the country”, he added.

Engineer Ihtisham Javed said that we must encourage highly talented students getting at least 80% marks to continue their studies in their own field of choice. But in order to avoid massive dropout after primary, middle and metric levels, we must promote technical education, so that, this lot could get jobs in private sector or start their own businesses after getting technical education through Rehmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship scheme.

 He said that the government must introduce a special clause declaring technical education mandatory at least for 50% applicants of the Rehmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship. “It will not only produce skilled workers for the industrial sector but also ensure their immediate employment”, he opined and added that the prudent use of Rehmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship program could change the destiny of the country in addition to controlling the skyrocketing unemployment.