Celebrating birth of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) is part of Muslim’s faith: Gulzar Hussain


GUJRANWALA , OCT 24 – Gujranwala Commissioner Gulzar Hussain Shah and RPO Gujranwala Riaz Nazir Gara have said that celebrating the birth of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and expressing love for him in one’s own way is a fundamental part of every Muslim’s faith and  without  any doubt, no Muslim’s religion and faith can be complete without  love for the Holy Prophet.

The commissioner and the RPO expressed these views while addressing the Deputy Commissioners, CPOs, DPOs, Chairman Divisional Peace Committee Qari Zahid Saleem and esteemed members  from across the division who participated in the video link meeting of the Divisional Peace Committee. 

The Commissioner and RPO said that on the occasion of Eid-ul-Milad-un-Nabi, where the world of Islam is expressing its sentiments with full enthusiasm and religious devotion, the anti-national and anti-Islamic forces are also mobilized for the fulfillment of their nefarious aims.“It is the duty of the religious leaders and members of the peace committees to work with the district administration and the police to thwart these destructive and anti-peace forces by demonstrating ideal peace and unity, brotherhood and religious harmony,” they  said.They  said that on the auspicious occasion of Eid Milad-un-Nabi, all possible means would be utilized for the establishment of peace, provision of best municipal services and fulfillment of other governmental responsibilities so that the devotees of  Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) could fully participate in these processions and gatherings.

The commissioner said that instructions have also been issued for  the provision of  street lights, proper  sanitation facilities and  removal of  encroachments on the procession routes. About the security arrangements, the RPO said that more than 7816 police officers and men have been deployed for 496 processions in the division on 12th Rabi-ul-Awal.In addition, 1437 national volunteers  will also perform security duties on the occasion. Chairman Divisional Peace Committee Qari Zahid Saleem and other members expressed satisfaction over the administrative and security measures and assured that the ulema and religious scholars would fully cooperate with the  administration for the  implementation of  all government directives and code of conduct and to ensure maintenance of law and order across the division.