President reviews the current responses to COVID-19 in the country


Tashkent –  JUL 21 –  President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has begun the working week with a deep critical analysis of the work being carried out in the country to counter coronavirus infection.Thus, the Head of the state has chaired a videoconference and considered the current situation with the pandemic in Tashkent and Tashkent region and measures to stabilize it.

Addressing participants, the Head of the state noted that the situation remains difficult. In particular, 1,218 out of 2,136 (57 percent) cases detected in the country over the past four days, occur in the city of Tashkent and Tashkent region.The procedure for admission of all patients with suspected coronavirus to medical institutions without documents, confirming the presence of infection, based on clinical signs of lung inflammation and respiratory failure, has been determined.7 more dispensaries with 850 beds for patients with suspected COVID-19 were created in addition to 16 existing clinics in Tashkent.

The issue of additional payment to medical staff of these clinics in the amount of 6 percent of monthly salary for each working day has been resolved.The President noted that starting today, every medical facility that works with patients with coronavirus will have cash desks of commercial banks that will pay doctors’ salaries for a 14-day period.Hospitals for patients have been provided with an additional 285 artificial ventilation devices, 155 respiratory support devices, 140 oxygen concentrators and 200 functional beds.

A 500-place distribution center is being created at Uzexpocentre National Exhibition Complex to provide first aid to patients with suspected coronavirus.Private clinics are also allowed to provide medical care to such patients, and their list is currently being compiled.A procedure has been established in accordance with which district departments of the Agency for Sanitary-Epidemiological Wellbeing send results of PCR analysis for coronavirus not to the republican body of the agency, but directly to examined ones, which will reduce waiting time for the results of tests.Working conditions of operators at Tashkent Ambulance Station have been improved, and the number of operators working in one shift has been increased from 40 to 100.

An additional power line has been connected to the station, and the number of crews increased to 250.In addition, 100 Damas ambulances were allocated for Tashkent region ambulance service, 25 of which are distributed locally.There are 906 beds for treatment and monitoring persons with suspected coronavirus, 210 beds for those with a confirmed diagnosis, and a reserve of 350 beds has been prepared in Tashkent region.

It is planned to allocate the first 10 billion UZS to create a reserve of 49 types of medicines for treatment of patients with coronavirus.At the meeting, it was noted that the dial-up time to the phone number 103 has been reduced from 1.5 minutes to 15 seconds, as well as the most experienced operators are working during the receipt of the largest number of calls (from 18:00 to 24:00).In addition, it was noted that there is a non-systemic organization of work at places to contain the pandemic.In particular, primary healthcare unit, i.e. family clinics and rural medical centers, has not been switched to 24-hour operation.Although 11 district multidisciplinary centers and 64 family polyclinics in Tashkent have between 50 and 200 medical workers each, most of them only receive patients in the morning.Each clinic should have a mobile team of 3 doctors, who will consult patients with a mild or asymptomatic form of COVID-19, but some teams do not have a doctor at all.Almost all clinics have x-ray diagnostics rooms, but their equipment is not used.If these clinics provide effective patronage services to the population, the pressure on ambulance service will be significantly reduced and a panic among the population will be prevented.Deputy Prime Minister Bekhzod Musayev and the Ministry of Health were instructed to fully mobilize 75 polyclinics in the capital, more than 3000 doctors and nurses working in these institutions, to provide round-the-clock care for patients with mild and asymptomatic infection.It was also instructed to develop incentive mechanisms for doctors and nurses involved in this activity.In addition, the need for oxygen increased during the pandemic. It was noted that Multidisciplinary Polyclinic of Tashkent Medical Academy, Republican Specialized Center of Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation, Tashkent City Clinical Hospital No.1, Republican Clinical Hospitals No. 1 and No. 2 and all recently opened clinics should increase the number of oxygen points to more than 1000.It was noted that Tashkent City Khokimiyat, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and khokims of each district will be responsible for regularly replenishing medical institutions with oxygen.In foreign countries, each patient with pneumonia is immediately put on a special mask with an oxygen concentrator and facilitate the flow of air, monitor blood oxygen saturation using a pulse oximeter. The Prime Minister has been instructed to take measures to ensure that this medical equipment is delivered to Uzbekistan as soon as possible.It was noted that for this purpose, if necessary, a special aircraft will be allocated, in addition, it is necessary to facilitate the import of oxygen concentrators by entrepreneurs.Tashkent city and Tashkent region khokimiyats will allocate 20 and 10 billion UZS, respectively, to Dori-Darmon JSC as working capital to create stocks of medicines.Almost all specialized medical institutions are full with coronavirus patients, the Head of the state noted. As a result, patients with chronic diseases are almost deprived of qualified medical care.Responsible persons have been instructed to take measures to restore qualified medical care to patients with chronic diseases by transferring patients with coronavirus from specialized hospitals to other institutions, including private clinics.The President noted that the number of people infected with coronavirus may increase. In this regard, the task has been set to multiply the number of beds for treatment of patients with this disease by at least two or three times, using university dormitories, indoor sports grounds and other buildings of large capacity.Efforts will continue to be made to mitigate the negative consequences of the pandemic and to increase the responsibility of each manager and encourage dedicated health workers.It was instructed to make proposals on awarding the state award to doctors who risk their lives and save patients’ lives, working in the epicenter of the disease.The President noted that today any expenditures financed from the national and local budgets should be directed as a priority to the fight against the pandemic. There can be no more important expenses, noted the Head of the state.Khokims of cities and districts are responsible for monitoring the situation in each hospital 24 hours a day and are responsible for creating conditions for their uninterrupted work.In addition, in order to ensure the continuous operation of newly purchased ambulances, the task has been set to attract qualified drivers from various sectors of the economy, especially from public transport, who have lost income due to suspension of activities.It was decided that all sector managers will start their working day by examining the situation in hospitals in their areas.Each manager should understand that today there is no more important task than protecting the health of our citizens, emphasized President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.