PTI official greets new President SAARC CCI Iftikhar Malik on assuming charge



Islamabad: JUL 1 –  Pakistan Tehreek-e- Insaf, Vice President Fehmida Kausar Jamali congratulates Iftikhar Ali Malik, a veteran trade leader who took over as the new President of the SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SAARC CCI).Fehmida said Iftikhar Ali Malik has an extensive exposure in the Asia Pacific region and it is very much likely under his tenure Pakistan may be taken strong footage in the SAARC region in the account of regional trade.

The South Asian countries commonly feature high concentration of economic activity in larger cities, vast untapped potential and excellence in apparel industry, struggle in attracting investment within the region, less participation in products of high value and ICT – the world largest and fastest growing industry, limited success in global and regional value chain, low productivity coupled with weak management capabilities.

As a way forward, SAARC CCI has a pivotal role to play under the stewardship of Iftikhar Ali Malik in narrowing down difference of opinion of south Asian chambers, bringing the much-needed reconciliation, policy advocacy and lobbying through deeper understanding among members.

She said the new world order after COVID-19 has opened up new opportunities for business communities in the world and especially towards the integration of South Asian economies. As of today COVID-19 and climate change are two common issues faced by all South Asian countries.She also hoped President Iftikhar Malik and the new team of SAARC CCI to start up a fruitful dialogue among South Asian chambers with a view to take a joint action to help South Asian industries make use of opportunities arising out of both COVID-19 and climate change.It may also mentioned here Iftikhar Malik a third Pakistani to head SAARC Chamber of Commerce while two other businessmen from Pakistan also held this office SM Inam from 1993-1995 and Tariq Sayeed from 2008-2010.