Young bureaucrats urged to learn from Japanese experience


ISLAMABAD, AUG 03 (DNA) – Secretary Economic Affairs Division Noor Ahmed has exhorted the young bureaucrats to put in their best efforts in order to excel in life.While addressing to a batch of young bureaucrats selected for skill development program offered by government of Japan, the Secretary said while in Japan they have to act as ambassadors of Pakistan.He said having been visited Japan on a number of occasions he could share with them the way Japanese nation had made progress by leaps and bounds in all fields.He said Japanese are a hardworking nation and there are many things which can be learnt there.The Federal Secretary said both Pakistan and Japan enjoy excellent relations, which are constantly on the move.

He said in recent years both sides were able to further strengthen and diversify cooperation in a variety of fields.

It may be mentioned here that this program was launched in Pakistan in 2018. The main objective of JDS is to strengthen the administrative capacities of government of Pakistan for social and economic development.

This program targets young government officials, who are expected to play a leadership role in the development of their country.

This year, eighteen competent civil servants from thirteen different departments enrolled in six different universities will study in Japan.

They get benefit from this program to achieve the key objectives of acquiring expert knowledge, conduct research, and build human networks.

These will help the trainees to take an active role in solving practical problems of the social and economic development issues in Pakistan.

Five fellows are enrolled in Public Administration and Finance; four fellows for Energy Policy and Implementation; Six fellows in Industrial Promotion, Investment Climate

and Trade; two fellows in Agriculture, Water Resources and Rural Development and One fellow enrolled in Disaster Management Capacity.=DNA
