Armeena Khan lashes out at society for not letting 85000 female doctors practice


Armeena Khan lashed out at the common practice of our society, wherein the female doctors are not let to practice medicine after their marriages, causing a shortage of doctors in the already dwindling health sector with meagre material and human resources.

In a Tweet, she pointed out that an estimated 85000 female doctors are barred from practice by their guardians who overlooking the need of the society are causing a lot of damage, only to serve their own purpose of either getting a good proposal for their daughters or in the case of insecure husbands, who don’t allow their wives to practice medicine.

‘85,000 female doctors not practicing after getting an qualification. This is because A: To secure a better marriage proposal. B: Wives are barred from working by their insecure husbands. Is it time to make them pay back the costs so that replacement doctors can be trained?’

After stirring a debate in cyber space, she clarified what she truly meant by ‘they should pay it back.’

‘Continued: Continued: “they should pay it back” by that I mean the guardians making the decisions should be held responsible or the beneficiaries of their qualifications. I say this because women are not free to choose their own careers,’ she added.

The actress further stated.

‘Citing minority of tweets to skew truth. Health care in PK unfit for purpose. Don’t misrepresent this as any other profession. Real choice can only be exercised amidst abundance, not scarcity. If you can’t practice after qualification do not deny someone who can & save lives.’