Pakistan: Lecture “Renaissance from the Perspective of BiH”


ISLAMABAD, FEB 14, (DNA) – In the organization of the Embassy of BiH in Pakistan, in Islamabad was held a lecture on “The Renaissance from the perspective of BiH,” by the professor at the University of Sarajevo (Faculty of Philosophy, Department of English), Prof. Dr. Shahab Yar Khan.Within the lecture was made a comparison between the Renaissance and the works of Hasan Kafi Pruscak, and emphasized that BiH always represented a philosophical and moral model for Europe.

The lecture caused great interest among the Pakistani students, but also the diplomatic corps, whose representative, Ambassador of Argentine Ivan Ivanisevic addressed the assembly saying that his family migrated from Dalmacija in the 19th century and is a big fan of BiH, especially sevdah music.

Ambassador of BiH to Pakistan Nedim Makarevic said that one of the focuses of his mandate in Pakistan to present to Pakistani audiences, as well as a number of embassies in Islamabad, as many aspects of the rich cultural heritage BiH as possible through literature, music, film and drama art.

Prof. Khan emphasized that as “a Bosnian with Pakistani origin” he is happy to have the honor to present a rich BH culture to the audience of Subcontinent.

“Like many other scholars from BiH, I have a desire to present the traditional Bosnian way of life that is built on understanding and respect for others. I am especially pleased and proud to explain specific Bosnian concept of the matriarchal system. I am convinced that the future of the world lies in this system that we used to have and still can revive, “he said.

He especially thanked Ambassador Makarevic who organized the lecture in Islamabad.

“I am convinced that such visits will greatly contribute to better understanding and a greater rapprochement between our two nations,” concluded Prof. Khan.=DNA
