China asks India for response over Pakistan’s invitation to CPEC


DEC 24, (DNA) – China on Friday asked India for a response over Pakistan’s invitation for it to join the China Pakistan Economic (CPEC). This week Southern Command Commander Lt. Gen Amir Riaz said that India should shun enmity and join the $46 billion CPEC project.

“I wonder what is India’s take on this whether this is a good sign from Pakistan,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said when asked about his response to Lt Gen Amir Riaz’s comments that India too should enjoy the benefits of CPEC alongwith China, Iran and Afghanistan.

“On China’s part, the CPEC  is a cooperation framework and we hope this programme can not only serve the interest of Pakistan but also Asia and the region as a whole,” Hua said, Indian media reported.

“It is an open proposal and we are willing to work with Pakistan to discuss the participation of any third country under principle of wider consultation and joint contribution,” she said.

Her comments came as China’s state-run Global Times carried an article suggesting that India should accept the ‘olive branch’ that Lt. Gen Amir Riaz join the project.=DNA
