Malala Fund gets a shout-out from Stranger Things’ Millie Bobbie Brown


Malala Fund has found a new supporter in Millie Bobbie Brown, the 12-year-old star of sci-fi horror series Stranger Things. In an Instagram video yesterday, Millie urged her followers to join Malala’s #yesallgirls campaign, which seeks to remind world leaders of their promise to provide education to every girl.

“We all know how powerful young girls can be, and education is the key to unlocking that power,” says the young actor.

“Last year, world leaders promised 12 years of education for every girl yet millions of refugee girls around the world still can’t go to school. Malala Fund has launched a campaign to send a message of hope to our girls and to remind world leaders to honour that promise,” she tells us.

Millie asks that her followers share their photographs on Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #yesallgirls.