Separation of the East Pakistan from the West Pakistan seems one of the most favourite topics of our friends in India. They always eagerly spend a lot of time in highlighting the reasons, the circumstances and the aftermaths rather the after shocks of this unfortunate incident. For the people of Pakistan this incident would always remain a chapter of painful memories; a tale of brutal conspiracies and a story of unshed tears but for our Indian friends it is a glimmering symbol of victory and achievement. They made a plan and succeeded in materializing it with the help of their hereditary ‘skill and talent’ but at the same time their success owes to the inborn innocence of our brothers in Bangladesh. We, the Pakistanis, as a nation, are trying our best to act upon an old wise saying, ‘let bygones be bygones’. We have done all that was necessary for the promotion of our cordial relationship with India as well as with Bangladesh but unfortunately we are not receiving the same warm response from India or Bangladesh. Pakistan’s sincere efforts to give India the status of MFN and Pakistan’s role in strengthening Bangladesh’s economy with the help of Pakistani investors need no proof. On the other hand these two countries could give nothing to Pakistan in return but blames and allegations. Though Bangladesh could not go farther in Pakistan’s enmity because of its political instability and economic turmoil but India has always been doing all possible to defame and disrepute Pakistan at national and international level. Recently the Pencil Cell Production India has presented a film for exhibition in Hindi language. The movie ‘The Bastard’ is directed by Mrityunjay Devvrat under the banner of the Maktub Entertainment. The producers include Farooque Sheikh, Indraneil Sengupta, Soumya Joshi Banerje, Raima Sen Pavan Malhotra and Tilotama Shome. This film of 160 minutes duration portrays the Pakistan Army of that time as an occupation Army in East Pakistan. The story revolves around the so-called atrocities committed by the Pakistan Army in East Pakistan. According to the authentic sources, the government of Sheikh Hasina has ordered for special arrangements to exhibit this hate-movie in Bangladesh. Her sole aim is to nullify the rage and aggression which has enwrapped the whole of Bangladeshi nation after the judicial murder of Maulana Abdul Qadir but various analysts are of opinion that this movie will not succeed in pacifying the religious elements in Bangladesh; it would simply add fuel to fire. Sheikh Hasina has intentionally closed her eyes to the serious consequences and negative effects of this film and her deliberate ignorance to the consequences would result in a lot of destruction.

The Pakistan Army is one of the few most competent armies of the world. For the last so many years it has been countering triumphantly the pressure built up by the neighbouring armies of India and Afghanistan as well as by the NATO forces. Moreover at the same time this army is busy in fighting with the foreign supported terrorists inside Pakistan. One army facing more than ten armies; it is something remarkably noticeable. But in spite of all these over-engagements, this army has never been found guilty of any type of injustice and of anything which could be named as ‘Atrocities’ in any part of the areas under its command and control. Whatever happened there in Bangladesh in 1971 was simply the result of the Indian conspiracies. Because of the long distance and our limited resources, we the people living in the western part of Pakistan could not keep an eye on the worsening state of affairs in Bangladesh. The Indian conspirators took full advantage of the situation and started a well organized campaign against West Pakistan in the East Pakistan. It was all well planned and flawless. Moreover spreading hatred and creating misunderstandings is always much easier than confidence building measures. It is also true that there were some ethnic groups in the East Pakistan which were never in favour of being the part of the West Pakistan. The Indian conspirators simply aired the flames of this disliking which soon turned into the blazing fire of hatred. Now after the passage of four decades, time has revealed upon the people of Bangladesh that Pakistan is their true friend and sincere companion. The popularity of Pakistan in Bangladesh is growing day by day. The people of Bangladesh are very well aware of the fact that their economy would simply meet a catastrophic ending if the Pakistani investors withdraw their investment from Bangladesh. The Awami League and its Indian patrons must realize their negative attitude and unhelpful behaviour. The World of today needs friendship, harmony and cordiality leading to a peaceful and prosperous tomorrow. We all must ‘let bygones be bygones’ if we want to be a part of a luminously radiant future.