Armed Forces: Surety of Security


Waheed Hussain

May 9 violence’s physical wounds are in the process of healing. The wounds on nation’s soul will remain unhealed for rest of life, particularly gruesome scenes of burning military-civilian properties and damaging the monuments of Shuhadas (martyrs).

The relatives of the Shuhadas (martyrs), parents, brothers, sisters, wives, and children were mentally and emotionally broken. Shocked by the videos and pictures depicting throwing away statue of Colonel Sher Khan Shaheed (martyr). The brave son of the soil whose bravery was even acknowledged by the enemy army commanders.

Scarifying a life, needs a biggest motivation for any individual. Our soldiers and officers had been laying down their lives for the defense and security of Pakistan. Pakistan fought three full-fledged wars with India and even today fighting with the terrorists in various parts of the country, particularly border districts of Afghanistan in KPK and Baluchistan.

In this process thousands of our soldiers and officers have embraced Shahadat. Since Afghan War after 9/11 terrorists’ attacks in the United States of America, Pakistan has been fighting with Tehreek Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA) and other terrorists’ organizations being funded by India and various enemies’ states.

Pakistan is the only country in the world in the recent history of conflicts that majority of our officers up to the level of three-star generals embraced Shahadat for defending the motherland. Officers and officials including soldiers. Lieutenants, captains, majors, colonels, brigadiers, Major Generals and Lieutenant Generals have embraced Shahadat (martyrdom) in protecting the country and its people.

If a small number of criminals disgrace and insult the Shuhadas, hurt their families, friends and people in uniform, what motivation the security forces will have in fighting the internal and external enemy? It could create a demoralizing effect on the security forces and their families. Shuhadas are the pride of the nation, and the nation will always extend respect and honor to them.

Burning and destroying the historic Radio Pakistan Building in Peshawar, Lahore Core Commander Residence (The Jinnah House), Pakistan Air Force aircraft model along with dozens of other military installations were not an accident or a reaction to an arrest, it was a well-planned, well-thought and well executed act of violence. A crime against the state, institutions and its people. It was an attack on the security of Pakistan.

We as a nation must understand the sensitivity of this matter, its about the law and order, peace and security and above all the defense of Pakistan. No nation can defend and feel secure without independent, strong and resilient armed forces.

History is full of examples that only those nations ultimately survived and defended themselves against enemies whose military was strong and independent. In recent history we have seen number of Muslim states like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen facing great challenge to their peace and security. Armed forces provide a sense of unity and solidarity to the nation. If the security forces are weakened the state is weakened.

We must remember that Pakistan is the only nuclear power in the Muslim world and its armed forces are guarantee in providing safety to it. Many western countries are not happy with our close relations with China, especially the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project which is considered as a threat to their economic and political interests. Pakistan decision to import Oil from Russia and increasing its engagement with the Russians was also not welcomed by western world. Our enemies want to block these engagements and developments which may help our economy to recover and give up its dependency on the western nations, their financial institutions including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) etc.

When Pakistan has so many adversaries there is a possibility of foreign hand in the May 9 violence attacks on our military installations. Some might had tried to create a wedge between the Armed Forces and people of Pakistan. The script was there. The writers of the script were out of country, while the directors and actors were inside Pakistan.

Political parties and leadership have the right to launch a peaceful struggle for their legitimate constitutional, social, economic and political rights. At the same time, they also keep the fact in mind that some of their actions may harm the country’s vital interests. Weakening Armed Forces will put the country in danger. Fact of the matter is that our armed forces with backing of people are the surety of the Pakistan’s security.