Giving the salary breakdown, the minister said Haque was receiving Rs2,045,100 as basic pay, Rs920,295 as house rent, Rs204,510 each as special and utility allowances and Rs409,020 as general allowance.
He said overall salary packages of the employees belonging to utility companies – PSO, Oil and Gas Development Company, Sui Northern Gas Pipelines and Sui Southern Gas Company – were attractive and made these companies desirable employers.
Responding to another question, Kamal said the current managing director did not receive any bonus during 2015-16 despite being entitled to it by the federal government.
The minister also apprised members of the progress on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (Tapi) gas pipeline project.
He said a separate entity, Tapi Pipeline Company Limited (TPCL), had been jointly set up by the four countries involved in the project.
TPCL has appointed a consultant to undertake a comprehensive survey of the entire route and conduct mandatory environmental impact assessment studies, he said, adding the Turkmenistan government had started development of the gas field.
Claiming that Turkmenistan has also started work on its part of the gas pipeline, the minister said construction work on the project would start after completion of the technical studies and achievement of financial close.