Measures afoot for rehabilitation, restoration of government buildings in DIKhan


                DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Sep 14 (APP):The district administration is taking solid measures for reconstruction, rehabilitation of infrastructure and government buildings which were damaged by recent floods and assessment work in this regard is continuing expeditiously.

In this regard, Additional Deputy Commissioner Muhammad Iqbal Khan Wazir is regularly undertaking visits to asses damages incurred to the government infrastructures, buildings and examining reports about damages and restoration of infrastructures by the respective departments.

Similarly,  Additional Deputy Commissioner Finance and Planning Muhammad Arshad Abbas is also paying visit to flood-hit areas to inspect government school buildings to prepare a comprehensive report on damages and consequently work out a viable strategy for restoration and rehabilitation of the damaged schools, besides examining reports by the departments concerned in this regard.

Meanwhile, officials of the district education department said, that according to the preliminary assessment report, the recent heavy rains and flash floods had damaged or destroyed more than 350 school buildings, including 257 male and 87 female schools in all five tehsils of the district.

They informed that out of total 257 male schools, 177 were those where flood water entered into the area and damaged the buildings, while other 80 schools were affected with the heavy rains.

The flood affected schools include 159 primary, seven middle, eight high and three higher secondary schools across the district. He said most of the primary schools were affected in Paroa tehsil where 18 were completely damaged and 59 were partially damaged.