Pakistan’s National Resolve Against Terrorism Lauded



ISLAMABAD, AUG 2: Pakistan’s resilience against terrorism and militancy was exemplary, said ACM (R) Sohail Aman. He was addressing a gathering at the Institute of Regional Studies (IRS), Islamabad on Terrorism and Extremism in Pakistan: Trend and Challenges. He apppreciated the optimism characterised by complete national resolve against all odds. While discussing the challenges to effective management of deepening militancy in the country, ACM Aman added that self-sufficiency, good governance, and economic sovereignty were the imperative to ensure peace and harmony. The fundamental issue, he added was not policy formulation, but in fact successful implementation and hence it was vital to take into account the trends  and negotiate with opposition parties while simultaneously addressing political instability.

Mr Abdullah Khan, Managing Director PICSS narrated Pakistan’s battle with militancy and terrorism over the years in addition to appreciating the role of the Pakistan Army in rooting out this menace. He said that history was testament to Pakistan’s resilience and perseverance in the face of worst kind of militancy at home. Mr Malik Habib Noor, youth leader from FATA called on the international community to help Pakistan in countering rising millitancy in the tribal areas.  He said that tribal areas, particularly FATA,sought installation of technical facilities, provision of employement opportunities, and an increase tourism. Poverty and unemployment were at the heart of all militancy, he said.  

Deterrence and diplomacy are  the known solutions for the millitancy, both have failed.

Ihsan Ghani, former DG NACTA was of the opinion that terrorism was in fact a judgemental characterized by intolerance.  He said that people did not take up guns because they were cruel, angry, or frustrated. Detached communities, dysfunctional comtempory and religious education institutions, hostile and reactive media, human rights voilation and lagging of rehabilitation efforts were the the precursors of a hostile society, he added. Mr Ghani further said that true policy formulation must include consultation with both positive and negative stakeholders. There was a need for urgent rethinking of state’s strategic options including both soft interactions and millitary solutions, he stressed.