Team save dreams visits Asma Homes


“Alone we can do so little; but together we can do so much”.

Hayah Bahroni

I, Hayah Bahroni, student of class AS at Super Nova School, F-8/1 along with my Ex-classmates of FESS who had earlier completed two projects successfully yet again achieved another milestone under the umbrella of Save Dreams.

We, Save Dreams, are a team of teenage girls and boys, working together towards the cause of poverty alleviation; advancement of education, human rights, equality and diversity; the relief of those in need due to reasons of youth, ill-health & disabilities, and most importantly towards making our surroundings more environmental friendly, which we wish to achieve by planting more trees, recycling, controlling pollution and raising awareness through campaigns and similar projects.

We, together, wish to make our country Pakistan become a better place to live in; by Saving Dreams. On Friday, 15th July 2022, our team consisting of 08 members namely; Hayah Bahroni, Rafia Ali, Safiyyah Cheema, Ayesha Siddique, Noor-ul-Huda, Rida-eZainab, Mohammad Ibrahim and Abdullah Siddique visited Asma Homes; a project by Muskurahat Trust headed by Madam Asma Munir Salman located in Medina Town, Islamabad. Previously the same team had visited Master Ayub’s school and SR homes for social work. A teacher by profession, Ma’am Asma strongly believes that a positive ‘change’ can only be brought in the lives of Pakistani population and its economy if the deserving children are given close attention and provided quality education regardless of their ethnic, communal or financial background.

She’s bent upon revolutionizing the current educational system in the remote areas of Pakistan and strongly believes that there must be no gender discrimination as far as a child’s right to education is concerned. Established in 2013, the home presently supports comfortable living, clothing, nutrition and quality education of around 30 underprivileged children (aged 04 to 18 years) under one roof. The children are homeschooled to help them reach a level where they are ready to be enrolled in mainstream schools of the twin cities in order to enable them to become useful members of the society.

The children are nurtured with love, care and attention so they may overcome their past setbacks and begin to live meaningful & purposeful lives. On our arrival at Asma Homes, we were greeted by lovely kids with big smiles on their faces.

During the visit different activities were carried out including playing charades, heads up, blind man’s buff, reading books, drawing, painting etc. It was a lovely sight to see the children happily playing around enjoying their youth. The way they talked and shared their stories were reflective of their mannerism and excellent grooming. Interviewing ma’am Asma in person was an enlightening opportunity for us. When asked ma’am Asma what made her pursue such a path of helping children in need, she replied with a humble smile on her face: “I believe that everyone in this world is sent down by God for a particular reason and to get to that reason, while doing it, you feel happy, that yes! I was sent to do this. Just like it’s said that you never get tired of doing what you love doing, similarly I realized I never got tired when I’m around these kids, rather it brings me joy”.

She also has established a school for girls in Peshawar district, KPK, called Asma’s Model School for Girls which was set up in the aftermath of the massive floods of 2010, aiming to provide the girls of the poor farmers and laborers of a remote village in KPK with quality education. Once asked about the goal she had in regards to this model school she said: “I aim to revolutionize the current mindsets, to ‘aid’ and ’empower’ these deserving girls so they discover their inner potential and most importantly, make them self-reliant and contributing members of the society in the future.”

Individuals like Ma’am Asma Munir Salman are a beacon of hope in this busy world and a reason for us Pakistanis to beam with pride. Learning from her, we, Team Save Dreams, as the voice of Pakistan, promise to instill the compassion of giving to the society and helping our brothers & sisters in need.

We promise to stand strong together as the bright future. Today, I, like many of those out there, would like to voice out my team’s dream, my dream; which is to Save dreams.