ISLAMABAD, JUN 20: The 52nd CDA/ Development Working Party meeting will be held on June 29 at the CDA Headquarters. In which many big projects worth billions of rupees in the history of Islamabad will be reviewed.

These include a 100-bed facility at CDA Hospital having cost of Rs. 186 million, a two-year plan of Rs. 57 million for rainwater harvesting,  two year plan of Rs. 4 billion for construction of parking areas in various urban commercial areas of Islamabad to alleviate the problem of parking, one year plan of Rs. 185 million for construction of bridge on Kayani Road to restore traffic flow in Bhara Kahu, one and half year plan of Rs. 1168 million for development of Sector D12, Rs.1705 million costing one and half year plan to make Nineth Avenue Shaheen Chowk signal free, one and half year plan of Rs. 1472 million to make E-11 Chowk signal free, one and half year plan of Rs.1422 for establishment of provincial courts, a two-year plan of Rs 1,800 million for the Litigants Facilitation Center for Litigants and Lawyers, a three-year plan of Rs 3,500 million to maintain and enhance the natural beauty and greenery in Margalla Hills National Park will be considered.

The CDA Development Working Party meeting will review all the projects mentioned in PC-1 and give final approval to them.