Ignoring Covid-19 safety measures may lead to smart lock-down: Yasmin Rashid


ISLAMABAD, Mar 10  : Punjab Health Minister Yasmin Rashid on Wednesday warned that disregarding Covid-19 safety measures will further lead to a jump in infection rates and urged the public to wear face masks, particularly in situations where social distancing is not possible.

she said non-compliance with coronavirus standard operating procedures (SOPs) in letter and spirit could push the government to impose another smart lock-down that would largely affect businesses and people would not be able to earn their bread and butter.

She stressed the spread of Covid-19 can be reduced when masks are used along with other preventive measures, including social distancing, frequent hand-washing, and cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces.

“We are ensuring that the ‘masks on’ policy is strictly implemented in the province so that local population should be safe,” she added.

She said citizens should wear masks in offices, schools, grocery stores, banks, and other facilities.

Yasmin Rashid also said Covid-19 vaccines are our best hope to beat this battle, adding, Pakistan has started second phase of vaccination drive for elderly people aged above 60 against the deadly coronavirus.

She urged that all elderly to come forward for vaccination doses and send their NADRA ID card number on 1166.