NCOC morning session held today . The forum discussed in length recent surge in Covid positivity ratio and recent enforcement measures post NCC meeting. Chief secretaries of provinces updated the forum on administrative measures on fresh guidelines in higher positivity ratio cities in their respective provinces particularly administrative measures and enforcement efforts regarding face mask wearing and arrangements for outdoor weddings modalities to ensure fresh health guidelines. Forum noticed thatPositivity ratio in major cities increasing rapidly . Over all nation wide 4.5 %  positivity ratio in the country.15 major cities across Pakistan have higher positivity ratioHyderabad is having highest positivity ratio in Pakistan with 16.59 % positivity ratio, Gilgit 15.38 % , Multan 15.97 % , Muzafarabad 14.12 % , Mirpur 11.11% , Peshawar 9.69%, Quetta 8.03%, Islamabad 7.48 %, Karachi 7.12% , Lahore 5.37 % and Rawalpindi 4.63%Forum was informed that 4136 Micro small lockdowns are in place across Pakistan. TTQ strategy is being used for disease control and prevention of Covid spread. Forum was informed that recent health guidelines will remain enforce in 16 Major citiestill 31 Jan 2021.Forum was apprised that2811 oxygenated beds were included to ramp up hospitals capacity andOver 13000 oxegen cylinders were issued to various provinces / federating units. NCOC appreciated efforts of provinces  for taking prompt and necessary measures in line of health guidelines for public safety and well being