Students are our leaders of tomorrow, says Qasim Suri


The Graduating Students of Fall 2018 &Spring 2019 were awarded degrees of BS, B.Ed., MA and MPhil 


ISLAMABAD: The Graduating Students of Fall 2018 &Spring 2019 were awarded degrees of BS, B.Ed., MA and MPhil. Deputy Speaker National Assembly Qasim Khan Suri attended the session as a Chief Guest. The Convocation was declared open by VU Rector, Mr. Naeem Tariq. During his speech, he mentioned the achievements of Virtual University, its leading role in delivering information and communication technology-based education and highlighted the provision of quality education to the remotest areas of the country.

The Rector welcomed the guests, students and their parents for gracing the event with their presence. He said parents, as well as teachers, deserved to be congratulated on the great efforts. He asked students to always remain respectful to their parents and set targets and goals to achieve better results.

The Chief Guest of the Ceremony Mr. Qasim Khan Suri stated that students of today are leaders of tomorrow. He urged the students to transform the challenges into opportunities. He added that Federal Government is trying its best to facilitate the students of Baluchistan for higher education. He said very soon students of Baluchistan will get all those facilities which are available in Punjab and Islamabad.

He hoped that the knowledge being imparted to the students by VU would help them in their practical life. At the end of the Convocation Chief Guest Mr. Qasim Khan Suri along with Rector VU, Mr. Naeem Tariq distributed degrees among the passing students.