Wheat crisis intensified in surrounding areas


ATTOCK, JULY 7 (DNA) – Wheat crops in Hazro, Pindi Gheb, Jand, Fateh Jang and surrounding areas were completely destroyed due to heavy rains during the wheat season.

The crops that have been harvested are not edible. Some of the traders who were issued orders for the demarcation of the district, procured wheat from different parts of the Punjab through their own means, which was also provided to them after paying a heavy price.

Local traders told media persons that the government should issue orders for demarcation instead of demarcation.

Wheat is available in large quantities in Punjab but due to demarcation, wheat is not going to other districts. He appealed to the Punjab Chief Minister Usman Bazdar to issue orders to abolish wheat district in Punjab so that the people can buy wheat as per the government rate.DNA
