Pakistan Navy celebrates 48th HANGOR Day


ISLAMABAD, (DNA) – A graceful ceremony was organized by Pakistan Navy at Pakistan Maritime Museum to commemorate 48th HANGOR Day and to pay homage to our heroes.Every year, 9th December is celebrated in Pakistan Navy as HANGOR Day to commemorate the historic event of sinking of Indian Navy Frigate KHUKRI and severely damaging another Indian Navy Ship KIRPAN by Pakistan Navy Submarine HANGOR in 1971 war.The remarkable naval action took place few miles South East off ‘Diu Head’ on west coast of India.

HANGOR Submarine remained underwater for a long time and successfully returned harbour on 13 December 1971 after completion of mission.

The event is distinguished in naval history as being the first successful kill by a submarine since WW-II. In recognition of their courage, the valiant crew of HANGOR was decorated with 04 x Sitara-e-Jurrat, 06 x Tamgha-e-Jurrats and 14 x lmtiaziAsnad. This is the highest number of operational gallantry awards received by a single unit of Pakistan Navy.

The ceremony was held at Pakistan Maritime Museum (PMM) at Karachi, adjacent to Ex-PNS/M HANGOR which was converted to serve as a museum submarine and placed at PMM as a symbol of courage and victory.Vice Admiral (Retd) Ahmed Tasneem graced the occasion as Chief Guest.

Upon arrival, Commander Karachi Rear Admiral Zahid Ilyasreceived the Chief Guest. While addressing the occasion, the Chief Guest said that HANGOR remained a pride for Pakistan Navy in 1971 war and her heroic actions not only resulted in sinking of Indian Navy’s Frigate but this was a strategic overture of Pakistan Navy which effectively thwarted and marginalized Indian aggression during the war.

The worthy Chief Guest also highlighted that the moment KHUKRI went down, it crippled Indian Navy’s morale and its nefarious designs. The sinking perpetrated the largest number of causalities to the Indian Navy during 1971 war.

Vice Admiral (Retd) Ahmed Tasneem also paid rich tribute to heroic actions of Pakistan Navy Submarine GHAZI which was deployed off Vishakhapatnam. Fearing PNS/M GHAZI, the Indian Navy had moved its Aircraft Carrier INS VIKRANT, further eastward to Andaman Island; much away from the scene of action and thus remaining ineffective throughout the war.

Moreover, on the occasion of HANGOR Day, Pakistan Navy also released a special documentary and Promo depicting the heroics of Pakistan Navy Submarine HANGOR whereas other activities of the day included national song and colourful performances by students of Bahria College and airing of a number of programmes/ talk shows on various media channels commemorating the eventful actions of HANGOR during 1971 war.

Subsequent to the address, the guests were invited to visit ex-PNS/M HANGOR to revive their golden memories. The ceremony was attended by the veterans of PNS/M HANGOR and a large number of senior serving and retired Naval officers.=DNA
