Supreme commander of DPRK Korean People’s army publishes book



Pyongyang, (DNA) — Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People’s Army, published his work “The Cause of the Great Party of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Is Ever-Victorious” on the occasion of the 70th founding anniversary of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

The following is its full text:

Amid the historic struggle to accomplish the cause of the Juche revolution in this long period after its founding, it has developed into a revolutionary party of Juche, into the great party of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, and wonderfully performed its role as the organization that guides our people to all victories.

Comrade Kim Il Sung ensured that the WPK was built as a mass-based party with workers, farmers and intellectuals as its component elements, oriented all its activities to defending and realizing the demands and interests of the masses, and thus struck its roots deep among them and formed an integral whole with them.

Comrade Kim Jong Il ensured that the WPK developed into a genuine motherly party that takes care of the destiny of the masses on its responsibility, administered in a comprehensive way benevolent politics and all-embracing politics based on affection for and trust in them, and thus formed inseparable ties of kinship with them.

It has such an excellent army and people, laudable young people in particular, who follow it and the leader with absolute belief in them and are boundlessly faithful to its cause in any adversity-this is a source of great dignity and pride for the WPK, and herein lies the secret of its ever-victorious history spanning 70 years.

The entire WPK should hold high the slogan, “Everything for the people and everything by relying on them!”

National reunification is the paramount task for the WPK which has taken charge of the destiny of the country and nation.

By carrying out the wish and instructions of the great leaders, we should achieve the historic cause of national reunification and build a prospering reunified country on this land.

Under the ideals of independence, peace and friendship we should strive to develop relations with other countries that are friendly to us, strengthen friendship and unity with progressive peoples, resolutely frustrate the schemes for aggression and intervention by the imperialist and dominationist forces engrossed in high-handedness and arbitrariness, and achieve global peace, security and independence.

The sacred cause of the great party of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il is ever-victorious.