Pakistan Mango festival in Tokyo draws huge interest


TOKYO, AUG 7 (DNA) -As part of its public diplomacy activities and to further introduce and popularize Pakistani mangoes in Japan, the Embassy of Pakistan organized “Pakistan Mango Festival” in Tokyo. A large number of guests including Japanese dignitaries, Government functionaries, diplomats, members of civil society and media persons attended the event and had a first-hand experience of the taste and aroma of the famous Pakistani mangoes.Welcoming the guests, Ambassador   Imtiaz Ahmad stated that Pakistan with 2 Million tons of  yield was the 5th largest producer and the 3trd largest exporter of mangoes. He proudly stated that  mango is called  the ‘King of Fruits’ and Pakistani mango is among the sweetest fruits on the face of the earth. He informed the guests that  Punjab and Sindh provinces of Pakistan are known for growing over 200 main varieties of mangoes.

He added that Over 100,000 tons of best quality mangoes of different varieties are exported from Pakistan to markets in Europe, Middle East, Asia and the Far East. Pakistan earns around US$ 100 million annually from export of mangoes. He hoped that export of mangoes to japan will surge with more varieties of mangoes introduced in near future.

The guests attending the  festival were served with fresh mangoes and mango cuts as well as wide-range of mango delicacies such as mango milk-shake, mango lassi, mango ice cream, mango salad, mango soufflé, mango mousse, mango pudding, mango cake, mango ebi chilli , chicken with mango curry,  mango norimaki sushi and much more. The guests thoroughly enjoyed the variety of dishes and hailed the unique and sweet taste of Pakistani Mangoes. =DNA