Challenges and Manufacturing Problems of Musharraf


Muhammad Tazeen Akhtar

Pakistanis are so confused these days that they cant judge who their savior is and who is not. There were already many claimants while another made a dramatic return on March 24. Yes! He is none other than Gen (r) Musharraf. Interestingly the savior of poor Pakistan flew home from U.A.E by a chartered plane instead of a routine flight. And now we have another “savior” in town. People are bewildered that what would happen if all these saviors come face to face — a definite thing that will take place in the days to fall.

How interesting our politics is. Here the leaders would come, see, conquer and then rule without any fear of accountability because they are always sure that they will have a guard of honor at the time of departure even if they have looted the national exchequer, the courts have convicted them in corruption cases or they have killed the innocent countrymen for nothing but for the satisfaction of the outsiders. We have seen the same story from Pervez Ashraf to Pervez Musharraf.

Not only the names are the same but the game is also the same. This is our politics. And this is our democracy, “For the rulers and by the rulers.”

But this time, time is not the same. Gen (r) Musharraf is not the General and army chief. He is not the “self made” President of Pakistan. Even he is not the chief executive of any authority. Patriots are nowhere. Chaudharis have their own way. Imran is looking for his own chances. And many stalwarts of Musharraf have joined PML Nawaz that is the main opposition for the new savior about whom it was in the news that Saudis have sought concessions from them for Musharraf but Shahbaz denies it. Although Nawaz Shareef is silent on his return .

Musharraf will have to face three kinds of challenges proving equal to them is the biggest challenge and his future depends upon it. These are;

1- Political Challenge
As we have discussed above, Musharraf , without Chaudhris and Patriots, have no prominent and experience politician with him. His team mostly consists of new people who have little knowledge about politics. They are so innocent that they are looking at him just like he was on Oct 99. But things have changed totally now.

Not only the opponents i.e Nawaz and Zardari , but his own former colleagues are in the run. Alliance possibility with the PMLQ is not on the cards because this party went with PPP. Their alliance will not allow Musharraf to creep into the mainstream political arena.

Musharraf himself intends to contest elections from 4 constancies i.e Karachi, Kasoor (Home twon of Khursheed Kasoori and Azam Raza Kasoori near Lahore) Islamabad and Chitral ( KPK ). It means he will run his campaign throughout the country. The time to 11 May is very short. If he will spend time in these four areas, when he will be available for his Party candidates? Neither his nor his candidates’ campaign would be looked after properly and the result can be judged easily.

Politics is a public thing but Musharraf can’t go in the public. He can be attacked anywhere any time by any one. Pakistan Army can’t arrange a fool proof security for him. Federal Interior Ministry has spared 350 troops to give him shelter but we know no one can be secured fully in today’s world. These arrangements can avoid a suicide but not a shoe. In short Musharraf’s chances in politics are very short.

2; Judicial Challenge

Musharraf is not only convicted in BB and Akber Bugti murder cases but he is also likely to be trialed for the violation of article 6 of the constitution that is treachery and its sentence is death.

Sindh high court granted him bail that paved the way for his return and not arrested at the airport but now he has been directed to get it confirmed from Rawalpindi and Islamabad courts where he has very less possibility to get relief like Sindh high court.

A court from Abbottabad has issued his arrest warrant. Federal Investigation Agency has put his name on ECL.

We have a saying that “Guest comes with his own consent but goes back with host’s consent “. It fits on Musharraf. He came with his own consent but now if he intends to fly abroad, he can’t, and he will be arrested on the airport.

The Supreme Court admitted some writ petitions for hearing in which application of article 6 has been sought by Lawyer community of Islamabad and Lahore. It is about the imposition of emergency on 3rd November 2007.

Musharraf is in a fix now. If he faces all this, that he should do as a responsible citizen and leader, it would be a long way to go for him with the possibilities of conviction and resultantly he might be disqualified for any public office in the future. And if he avoids all this, he would lose his ground as a true Pakistani leader. He would be declared an outlaw who disobeys law of land. How such a person can claim for the member ship of country’s top law making institution, the Parliament?

3; Taliban and Lal Masjid Challenge;

Everyone knows that suicide attacks were not here in Pakistan before Lal Masjid operation in July 2007. It is the fallout of that foolish and uncalled for action. Lal Masjid inhabitants could be addressed amicably by the local police itself. But the finest of warriors from Army were deployed to show it a big game.

The followers of Lal Masjid will not let Musharraf move here and there. They will certainly welcome him. Taliban released the video of the arrangements for Musharraf the same day when he landed at Karachi airport.

Musharraf, not only, himself is in danger but he would risk his workers lives also. This aspect would not leave him capable of showing his political power if he has any.

Last but not the least, it’s our history, no general could get success in politics. Aslam Baig is here, Hameed Gul is here for example.

Concluding note is that the generals are not made for politics. They are trained and groomed for fight. Politics is a soft thing. It is dialogue, humbleness, forebear ness etc. Army is order and compliance only.

Definitely, if Musharraf looks himself as a political leader, then he has manufacturing problems!!