PNS Zulfiquar conducts exercise with Korean Navy Ship in Arabian Sea

PNS Zulfiquar conducts exercise with Korean Navy Ship in Arabian Sea


ISLAMABAD, NOV 27: Pakistan Navy Ship PNS ZULFIQUAR conducted a Passage Exercise (PASSEX) with Republic of Korea Navy Ship WANG GEON in the North Arabian Sea. Both ships operated under the task forces of Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), CTF-150 and CTF-151, respectively.

The exercise included tactical maneuvers and communication drills, aimed at enhancing operational interoperability and fostering professional ties between the two navies. CTF-150 and CTF-151 focus on deterring illicit maritime activities such as drug trafficking and piracy, which threaten security in international waters.

The successful conduct of this joint exercise underscores the commitment of both navies and their respective Task Forces to upholding maritime security, supporting lawful activities at sea, and promoting stability and cooperation in this strategically vital region.

Pakistan and the Republic of Korea consistently contribute ships and aircraft to maritime security efforts under the CMF banner. This collaboration is particularly valuable for building mutual understanding and operational synergy.