Turgay Evren’s latest composition sheds light on struggles in Gaza and Kashmir


SPAIN, Feb 4 /DNA/ – Renowned Turkish songwriter Turgay Evren unveiled his latest composition, “Where is Mercy,” at a compelling event hosted by the Kashmir Council Spain. The song, which passionately addresses the struggles faced by the people of Gaza and Kashmir, is a testament to Evren’s commitment to raising awareness through evocative lyrics.

Turgay Evren has previously penned impactful songs on Kashmir, including “Kashmir Is My Name,” “Daimi Bahar” (Turkish, Urdu, Kashmiri), “We Will Never Regret” (Arabic, Urdu, Kashmiri), “I Am Kashmir,” “Only One Man” (Syed Ali Geelani), and “Jails of Kashmir.” Each composition serves as a testament to his unwavering support for the Kashmiri cause and his dedication to shedding light on human rights violations and the plight of those in Kashmir.

The event featured distinguished speakers who lauded Turgay Evren for his continuous efforts in advocating for the Kashmir and Palestine causes through his powerful lyrics.

Altaf Ahmed Bhat, Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement (JKSM), expressed deep appreciation and dedication to Turgay Evren for his tireless work in addressing the Kashmir cause, human rights violations, and the issues faced by the incarcerated in Kashmir through his soul-stirring songs. He highlighted the release of “I Am Kashmir” at an event organized by JKSM in Turkey last year and announced the upcoming release of a new song on 5th August 2024, the lyrics of which are being penned by Turgay Evren.

Fahim Kayani, President of Tehreek e Kashmir UK, commended Turgay Evren’s valuable contribution to creating awareness about the Kashmir cause globally and acknowledged the profound impact of his songs on mobilizing support for the people of Kashmir.

Yasmin Qureshi, Member of Parliament, praised Turgay Evren’s commitment to using his artistic talent to shed light on the struggles of Kashmir and Gaza, emphasizing the importance of such initiatives in fostering global solidarity.

Saqib Tahir, President of Pak Federation Spain, acknowledged Turgay Evren’s role in bridging cultural understanding and fostering empathy through his cross-cultural compositions, especially those addressing the challenges faced by Kashmir and Palestine.

Raja Shafiq Tabasam, President of Tehreek e Kashmir Spain, commended Turgay Evren for his consistent support for the Kashmir cause and his dedication to amplifying the voices of the oppressed through his poignant lyrics.

Raja Nadeem, President of Kashmir Council Spain, expressed gratitude to Turgay Evren for using his platform to draw attention to the ongoing struggles in Kashmir and Palestine, underscoring the importance of international support for these causes.

Turgay Evren’s “Where is Mercy” marks a significant addition to his repertoire of socially conscious songs, reaffirming his role as a powerful advocate for justice and human rights through the medium of music. The launch event at Kashmir Council Spain served as a platform to unite voices in support of these critical causes and to inspire positive change through the universal language of music.