Hundreds of employees lose jobs after Monal restaurant closure

1100 employees lose jobs following restaurant closures at Pir Sohawa Road

ISLAMABAD, JAN 25 /DNA/ – At the behest of chairperson Islamabad Wildlife Board, La Montana and Monal were not only closed, but the buildings of these restaurants built with government money were also demolished.

Margalla National Park has a law and boundary, Margalla Hills, and Pir Sohawa Road have neither any legal status nor any separate law. If the Chairperson Wildlife Board has discovered such a law, then the general public should also be informed about it.

The wildlife law applies equally to Islamabad Club, Riding Club, Polo Club, Gun Club and more than 100 restaurants and commercial centers located in The Margalla Hills National Park. Shah-Allah Ditta, Shakarparian, Club Road and all the commercial centers in Saidpur are still doing their business.

Chairperson Wildlife Board, Our question is about the double standards of the ordinance, why do officers have separate laws for their children and separate for public spaces?

At the behest of the Chairperson Wildlife Board, demolishing only two restaurants out of 113 commercial centers in the national park is not personal enmity, then what else is? Our only demand to the Chairperson Wildlife Board is that all the restaurants used by officers and their children in Margalla National Park should also be brought under the preview of the National Park Law.

 What could be a greater example of the excesses of the Chairperson Wildlife Board than the fact that after the demolition of Monal and La Montana, a huge restaurant in Daman Koh was licensed to do business within the limits of Margalla Park.

But the Chairperson Wildlife Board refused to meet the 1,100 employees who were rendered unemployed.

These actions of the Chairperson Wildlife Board made us unemployed on the one hand and on the other hand, the entire area was made a hub of criminal activities. In the last four months, three murders and several robberies have taken place on Pir Sohawa Road, the record of which is available at Kohsar police station. Not only this, Pir Sohawa Road is also completely damaged at this time and garbage and dirt are seen everywhere. Why don’t the so-called environmental pollution authorities see all this now?

With the closure of the 4 acres restaurants in the 31,000-acre Margalla National Park, which were located in the name of chowki in the Master Plan of Islamabad and have been providing entertainment to the general public, has the wildlife in Margalla National Park been relieved of all the problems faced by them? and Due to the demolition of both the restaurants, has the wildlife started using Pir Sohawa Road? not at all, it is a blatant joke and lie.

We demand from the Chairperson Wildlife Board that all unemployed employees should be given licenses to open kiosks on the land adjacent to Monal and La Montana and if our legitimate demand is not met, our next step will be a sit-in in front of the Islamabad Club and will continue till the law of the Wildlife Board is equally implemented on Islamabad Club. Hope It doesn’t happen.