BISP releases latest survey report

BISP releases latest survey report
SARGODHA, Dec 06 (APP): Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) released latest survey report of beneficiaries in Sargodha and Bhakkar districts.

BISP officer Muhammad Saleem while talking to APP here on Friday said that survey process in both districts was under way in transparent way.
He said that total numbers of under survey beneficiaries in Sargodha was 168,892 out of which 124,134 beneficiaries had been rectified (get eligibility) by the BISP and would be eligible for getting Benazir income support amounts in coming up next tranche, while 44,758 beneficiaries were under survey process (pending) and would be able to get BISP payments after completing verification process.
He also informed that in Bhakkar,135,439 women beneficiaries were under survey process out of which 109,129 women get eligibility for BISP payments in next tranche, while 26,310 beneficiaries were still pending and the department was waiting for their eligibility clearance, he concluded.