Izzadeen Malik El-Amin “The Great” It was Planned

Izzadeen Malik El-Amin

“The Great” Izzadeen Malik El-Amin will be returning to the ring in June 2024 possibly, he says times flown by, I remember when I turned Pro it’s already 3 years, just got to continue working, My work will show this didn’t happen overnight this has been working from the beginning, the years of work and character building shows every time I enter the ring.

My road hasn’t been easy, there’s been many bumps, I was reflecting the other day when I was that school kid sitting in class as a 13/14-year-old dreaming about this time, I’m living it , the time when I used to tell people what I’m gonna do, it was a joke to them, they never understood this crazy kid with big ambitions and was determined to go all the way, I was built for this! [Izzadeen Malik El-Amin]

Izzadeen Malik El-Amin

Look at my upbringing, you think I was that stupid to fail and bunk school for no reason this was all planned I knew where I was heading, where are the people that called me crazy I’m on the right path, you know after high school I didn’t go college or university because I knew, how am I gonna allow myself be corrupted in that environment for what! I did what was best for me, I protected myself from what was bad for me.

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I couldn’t allow myself to become weak and be like everyone else in college or university so I didn’t go, I was beyond my years, and now people understand why university or College is a waste of time it doesn’t define you as a person or your intelligence you can be successful without it.[Izzadeen Malik El-Amin]

Izzadeen Malik El-Amin
Izzadeen Malik El-Amin

I’ve seen many of those who did attend, who were mixing in those environments are not the same people as they were, you become exactly what your around, we understand the system and the agenda, so I recommend parents to self-educate their kids give them the real education, be in their lives!

Ask God for guidance, he will guide those who want to be guided don’t sell your soul for what looks good, don’t be deceived, know your purpose and why God placed you on this earth, my purpose is not boxing its just what I do, God doesn’t care about boxing it holds no value in God’s eyes, even this world that he created, you was placed here for a reason.[Izzadeen Malik El-Amin]

Izzadeen Malik El-Amin
Izzadeen Malik El-Amin

nowadays you’ve got these “influencers” telling the upcoming youth you’ve got to chase money, women, and fame you got to look like this, don’t fall into the devil plot it’s all a business, don’t listen to these jokers, the online world is a fake world it’s not real, social media has really messed up this generation.