Security forces repulse BLA attack in Balochistan’s Mach area


Rockets fired by terrorists fell onto Mach Jail Colony, Levies police station; no casualties reported in the attack

MACH: Security forces repulsed a “fire raid” attempt by Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) terrorists in Balochistan’s Mach area late Monday, reported Geo News citing sources.

Mach city echoed with explosions and plunged into darkness after terrorists fired several rockets from mountains, followed by heavy gunfire, on Monday night..

People were trapped in their homes due to explosions and firing, while firing also started in Kolpur and Gokhart Bibi Nani areas.

According to security sources, unidentified persons fired 15 rockets from the mountains at 9:30pm in the Mach area of Kuchi Bolan.

Two rockets fell onto Mach Jail Colony, one landed in the Levies police station, four rained into the FC headquarters and eight rockets landed in the city and surrounding areas.

As the rockets exploded with strong bangs and heavy firing started, the city plunged into darkness, and soon the market closed.

The explosions were so loud that the windowpanes of many houses were broken. According to sources, the administration blocked all kinds of traffic in Dharar and Kolpur. The sound of explosions and firing continued to be heard till late night in Gokhart Bibi Nani and Kolpur.

The sources said security forces had received intelligence about the terrorist attack and laid an ambush for the terrorists.

The terrorists retreated after being overwhelmed by the effective response of the security forces, they added.

Security forces have launched a search operation against the fleeing terrorists, as per the insiders

Balochistan’s interim information minister Jan Achakzai said security forces “successfully thwarted three coordinated attacks” carried out by terrorists in the Mach area on Monday night.