Partiotic War: Azerbaijan envoy all praise for the heroics of soliders

Partiotic War: Azerbaijan envoy all praise for the heroics of soliders


Lahore: Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan Khazar Farhadov showed great respect for soldiers and officers and all the martyrs who fought heroically in the patriotic war and waved the Azerbaijan flag in the liberated lands from Armenia. The envoy highly appreciated the visionary leadership of the President Ilham Aliyev enabling the liberation of illegally occupied territories of Azerbaijan during the famous 44 days Patriotic War.

Addressing an international webinar titled, “Liberation of Karabakh Region of Azerbaijan from Armenia Occupation: Implementation of the UN Security Council’s Resolutions”. The webinar was jointly hosted by the Center of South Asia & International Studies (CSAIS) Islamabad and the Institute of Legal Studies Lahore. It was jointly arranged to celebrate the United Nation Day October 24. It was attended by a large number of experts, researchers, students and media persons. Special participation of Xu Vivien the editor of China Daily graced the event.

Ambassador Khazar Farhadov called for global harmony and peaceful coexistence with neighbours. The envoy termed the 44-day of Patriotic as one of the most glorious pages in the history of Azerbaijan which ended with the liberation of its occupied lands and the historical triumph of Azerbaijan.

The envoy shared that as a result of the Patriotic War in 2020, Azerbaijani Army liberated its territories from Armenian occupation within 44 days. Right after the liberation, the Government of Azerbaijan started large-scale restoration and reconstruction works there and the Great Return of former Azerbaijani IDPs and refugees to their land has begun.

The envoy shed light on the constructive role of the international organizations and platforms like UN Security Council which endorsed principal stance of Azerbaijan about Karabakh and supported peaceful negotiations for conflict resolution with Armenia. 

While responding a question the envoy replied that the government desires to have peaceful diplomatic ties with all the regional countries having spirits of mutual respect, sovereignty and territorial integrity. He upheld that trilateral military cooperation among Azerbaijan, Pakistan and Türkiye is getting momentum useful for regional peace and stability.

The envoy Khazar maintained that military preparedness, tactical readiness, professional skills of armed forces of Azerbaijan, economic stability, prosperity and last but not least visionary leadership of Ilham Aliyev jointly played an important role in the liberation of occupied regions from Armenia.

Dr. Fariz Ismailzade, Vice Rector of ADA University while highlighting the strategic importance of the UN Day appreciated Azerbaijan’s strong commitment to extend international cooperation for conflict resolution in South Caucasus. Vice Rector Ismailzade shared salient features of successful foreign policy of Azerbaijan to liberate Karabakh and other regions from Armenia.

Dr Ismailzade showcased positive, productive and participatory role of Azerbaijan in securing peace and stability in South Caucasus and Caspian Sea regions through immense socio-economic integration, trans-regional connectivity, free trade and food & energy cooperation. He was of the opinion that constant vigilance and military preparedness paved the way of splendid victory in the Patriotic War against Armenia.

Dr Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan in his detailed and articulated speech termed conflicting socio-economic, geopolitical and geostrategic realities in the South Caucasus, Black Sea, Middle East, greater Eurasian region and beyond geared the greater socio-economic, diplomatic and military ties among Azerbaijan, Pakistan and Türkiye covering all aspects of security, development and regional connectivity.

While emphasizing that “Karabakh is Azerbaijan” Dr Khan endorsed  Azerbaijan national narrative, narrating that even before its liberalization the right of Azerbaijan on Karabakh territories had has been recognized by the United Nations Security Council which adopted four resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 condemning the use of force against Azerbaijan and the occupation of its territories in 1993. It reaffirmed respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, reconfirmed that the Karabakh region is an integral part of Azerbaijan and demanded the immediate, full and unconditional withdrawal of the occupying forces from all the occupied territories.

DR Khan concluded that Azerbaijan’s better military preparedness, tactical and professional superiority, use of innovative and advanced technologies of warfare, effective and ideal combination of human as well as artificial intelligence mechanism  and last but not least, “visionary leadership” of Ilham Aliyev ultimately achieved a “miracle” in the second war for the liberation of illegally occupied areas of Karabakh from fascist Armenia.

Janhazeb Jehangiri in his opening remarks highlighted the importance of the UN Day and termed the international webinar as positive showcasing peaceful persuasions of the government of Azerbaijan to liberate its territories from Armenia. Jehangiri was the opinion that international laws and norms should be equally respected and executed.    The webinar was moderated by Zulkafil Hassan Khan the Youth Ambassador of the CSAIS. He thanked all the distinguished guests for their participation. He hoped that rights of Azerbaijan will be further prospering in the days to come.