Promoting Scientific Exchange: COMSTECH and Pasteur Institute of Iran sign MoU

Promoting Scientific Exchange: COMSTECH and Pasteur Institute of Iran sign MoU
Promoting Scientific Exchange: COMSTECH and Pasteur Institute of Iran sign MoU


ISLAMABAD, OCT 2: The Pasteur Institute of Iran and the Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (COMSTECH) signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Chaudhary, the Coordinator General of COMSTECH and Dr. Rahim Sorouri, the Director of Pasteur Institute of Iran signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at Pasteur Institute in Tehran, Iran.

The agreement entails the development and implementation of joint educational programs, research, technology, and innovation initiatives, as well as the organization of national and international events such as conferences, workshops, exhibitions, and courses. The MoU aims to facilitate the exchange of students, experts, and academic staff for professional development and enhancing scientific activities. The Pasteur Institute of Iran will also become member of COMSTECH Consortium of Excellence as per the agreement.

During the meeting, Prof. Iqbal Chaudhary acknowledged the Pasteur Institute of Iran as a valuable opportunity for expanding COMSTECH’s cooperation. He recognized the institute’s distinguished reputation in Iran and worldwide in the field of infectious diseases and vaccines. Prof. Chaudhary suggested close collaboration of COMSTECH with the Pasteur Institute.

Dr. Rahim Sorouri, the director of Pasteur Institute of Iran, presented the institute’s activities and capabilities and expressed the willingness to establish comprehensive scientific collaboration with COMSTECH.

During the meeting, several managers from different divisions of Pasteur Institute of Iran highlighted the institute’s capabilities and proposed ideas for collaborative efforts. It was agreed that regular coordination meetings would be called to solidify future agreements.

The Pasteur Institute of Iran was established in 1920 through an agreement between the Iranian government and the Pasteur Institute of Paris. The Pasteur Institute of Iran is a renowned research and public health center in Iran and the Middle East.

COMSTECH was established by the third summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in 1981, with the mission of strengthening cooperation between member countries in science and technology.