Pakistan’s Pledge: Nurturing democracy in line with Islamic values and constitution: Sanjrani

Pakistan's Pledge: Nurturing democracy in line with Islamic values and constitution: Sanjrani

ISLAMABAD, SEPT 15 /DNA/ – Pakistan’s Pledge: Nurturing democracy in line with Islamic values and constitution. As the world stands in unison to celebrate the International Day of Democracy; Pakistan reiterates its resolve to nurture and strengthen democracy in accordance with Islamic tenets and the vision of the founder of the nation. The Constitution of Pakistan is enshrined with democratic principles and a parliamentary form of government.

The democratic values of public participation in decision-making, human rights, freedom of expression and the principle of holding periodic free and fair elections by universal suffrage are the cornerstone of democracy.

Pakistan stands firm on the commitment that true democracy is the only way forward for inclusive decision-making and policy formulation, particularly for minorities and vulnerable segments of society.

True representation of people, fairness, equality, social justice and the rule of law are at the heart of any democratic nation and Pakistan strives to garner these values through its Constitution that guarantees them.