Awareness programme held to mark ‘World Breastfeeding Week’



LARKANA, Aug 09 : An awareness programme was held on Wednesday here at Public Health School for Girls in connection with the ‘World Breastfeeding Week’.

The speakers on the occasion said that August was celebrated as the international month of awareness about the importance of breastfeeding to children.

Professor Shanti Lal of CMC Children Hospital, Director Health Services Larkana Division Dr. Abdul Sattar Shaikh, Principal of the School Dr. Ghulam Sakina Gaad and others said that ‘World Breastfeeding Week’ is being observed in Larkana, which aims at creating awareness about highlighting the importance of breastfeeding to children in order to keep the child healthy.

The health experts said mother’s milk contained proteins, vitamins and fats proteins, which were crucial for the growth and health of the children.

They said the mothers, who breastfed their children, had less chances of contracting breast cancer. The mothers, who breastfed their children remained healthy, they said.

They also said that mother’s milk is the best food that increases the immunity of children.

The health experts said that all balanced nutrients were found in the mother’s milk. They said that 48 per cent of children in Pakistan suffered from malnutrition and 40 per cent lost weight because their mothers did not breastfeed them for two years.

Director Health Larkana Division Dr. Abdul Sattar Sheikh said that after today, it is the duty of all of us including Lady Health Workers and other staff of the health department to take this message door-to-door to aware the womenfolk, about the importance of breastfeeding.

Lady Doctors, Nurses, LHWs, students of the school and a good number of women also present on the occasion.