PM urges global action to beat plastic pollution on World Environment Day


PM urges global action to beat plastic pollution on World Environment Day


ISLAMABAD: On the occasion of World Environment Day, the Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif has taken several steps to take Pakistan on a path to sustainable use of resources and has emphasized the urgent need to combat plastic pollution under the global theme “Solutions to Plastic Pollution”, centered around the campaign #BeatPlasticPollution.

The Prime Minister emphasized Pakistan’s unwavering commitment to combat plastic pollution and embark on a journey of plastics reduction. As one of the top 10 countries in the world for plastic pollution, with an estimated 70 percent of plastic waste being improperly disposed of, Pakistan recognizes the urgent need for action. The government has prioritized the adoption of environment friendly alternatives and is actively working on the Plastics Prohibition Regulation 2023 for ICT. This regulation will establish a comprehensive framework and timeline for phasing out single-use plastics, while also leading by example on a plan to reduce and then ban the use of single use plastics by the entire federal government. In a demonstration of the federal government’s commitment to reduce plastic waste in Pakistan, the Prime Minister has directed PM House to stop using single-use plastics, which like the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination, will lead the way in phasing out and restricting the use of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottles in Federal Ministries, Divisions across the board. By doing so, the government aims to establish a sustainable and responsible approach to plastic usage and waste management, ensuring the protection of the environment and the well-being of future generations.

The Prime Minister acknowledged that Pakistan has actively participated in crucial international and national level discussions to develop a comprehensive, legally binding instrument aimed at ending plastic pollution, with a target date set for 2024. The Government of Pakistan recognizes the significance of ensuring inclusivity and equity within the agreement, emphasizing the need for the treaty to prioritize that no one is left behind.

The Prime Minister called upon all stakeholders, including citizens, businesses, civil society organizations, and the media, to renew their commitment in fight against plastic pollution and preserving the planet’s biodiversity for future generations. The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of empowering local communities, supporting recycling initiatives, and promoting a circular economy that minimizes plastic waste.