Palestine warns against fascism of Israeli officials



ISLAMABAD: The State of Palestine has warned against the unaccountable fascism, unrestrained power, and unabated criminality of Israel’s officials, sustained by an undemocratic and social system of Jewish supremacy, oppression, racism, and apartheid.

Fascism is enabled by militias ties to power and threatens regional and international peace and security.   Ben Gvir’s reported agreed militias of racial terror will only serve to target, kill, and torture the undefended Palestinian people, en masse.

The government of Israel is responsible for the repercussion  of this deliberate decision, which only confirms Israel’s absolute contempt for Palestinian rights and lives and flagrant breach of the international community’s parameters of a just solution.

We will not stand idly by as a proud terrorist and an anarchist form and lead another Jewish militia with the declared aim of ethnically cleansing the land of its people. The Palestinian people have an unassailable right to defend themselves, their families, homes, and lands, from this State terrorism.

The warning signs are clear. Since the beginning of 2023, Israel has killed over 90 Palestinians including 17 children. Condemnations of and concrete actions against Ben Gvir’s militia of racial terror are necessary. Likewise, the Secretary-General of the United Nations must uphold his obligations and provide immediate international protection for the Palestinian people.    

The rights of the Palestinian people to live as free and independent people in their homeland, in dignity, in peace and security, are neither negotiable nor tradable for internal political fixtures. The rights of the Palestinian people are inalienable and universally recognized and only their realization will end this international crisis and lead to region and international peace and security.