COMSTECH, University of Jordan organize workshop



Islamabad, Mar 13 (COMSTECH): The chemistry department of the University of Jordan and COMSTECH organized jointly a “Workshop on Modern Spectroscopic Techniques and Their Applications in Research” during March 12-14.

This three-day workshop consisted of lectures of eminent scholars and practical sessions involving hands-on experience on interpretation of spectroscopic data. This workshop offered the opportunity of hands on training on modern spectroscopic instruments and software that are used in the field of chemical and biological sciences. Lectures followed by discussion session further strengthened the knowledge and understanding of the modern spectroscopic techniques and promoted research partnership between the scientists of OIC countries.

Assistant Secretary General-OIC, H.E. Mr Askar Mussinov said that It is my delight to welcome you all in this 3 – day event organized by COMSTECH and University of Jordan. He said that spectroscopy offers the necessary tools to investigate the structure and function of small chemical compounds as well as biological macromolecules. He said we sincerely hope that this event will contribute in the development and strengthening of the capacity in modern spectroscopic techniques at the regional level through the contribution of eminent scholars from various universities and R & D institutions.

He conveyed, on behalf of OIC secretariat in Jeddah, well wishes to COMSTECH and University of Jordan for organizing this illustrious gathering, and offered full support of our secretariat to COMSTECH for achieving its mission and objectives.

The inaugural session was addressed by H.E. Prof. Dr. Nathir Obeidat, The President of the University of Jordan, H.E. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary, Coordinator General COMSTECH / Director ICCBS, H.E. Maj. Gen. Sajjad Ali Khan (Retd.), Ambassador, Embassy of Islamic Republic Of Pakistan, Amman, Jordan, H.E. Ambassador Askar Mussinov, Assistant Secretary General (S&T), Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, H. E. Prof. Dr. Atta – Ur- Rahman (FRS), President, Network of Academy of Sciences of Islamic Countries (NASIC), Professor Emeritus/Patron-In-Chief ICCBS, H. E. Prof. Dr. Adnan Badran, Chair of The Board of Trustees of The University of Jordan, H.E. Prof. Dr. Azmi Mahafza, Minister of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research.

In the inaugural session the University of Jordan announced to become the member of the COMSTECH Consortium of Excellence (CCoE) and signed the agreement with COMSTECH.

Experts of the spectroscopy from Germany, China, Greece, Pakistan, Jordan and Egypt participated as resource persons. Among these speakers, we had pioneers of this field whose work is shining light to many chemists and biologists around the world. Researchers from Algeria, Pakistan, Jordan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Turkiye, USA, Kenya, Palestine and Kazakhstan participated in the workshop.