PM Shehbaz meets Norwegian Prime Minister on sidelines of COP 27


Sharm El-Sheikh, NOV 8 /DNA/ – Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif met with Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre of Norway on the sidelines of the COP 27 Climate Implementation Summit in Sharm El-Sheikh today. The two leaders discussed bilateral relations and exchanged views on international and regional issues of common interest.

The Prime Minister reiterated that Pakistan attached importance to its longstanding ties with Norway while underlining the need for enhanced bilateral cooperation in trade, clean energy, education and technology. The Prime Minister noted the positive contributions made by Norwegian tech and telecom companies to Pakistan’s service sector. He hoped that more Norwegian companies and businesses would take advantage of the Government’s investor-friendly policies in the future. 

The Prime Minister briefed his Norwegian counterpart on the unprecedented destruction caused by the climate-induced floods that submerged vast swathes of Pakistan earlier this year. Thanking the Norwegian government for providing critical support for Pakistan’s flood relief efforts, the Prime Minister emphasized the need for the two countries to work together to address the adverse effects of Climate Change.

Discussing the regional situation, the Prime Minister highlighted the continuing human rights violations being perpetrated by India in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. He stressed that lasting peace and stability in South Asia would remain elusive without the peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people and the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

The Prime Minister reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to peace and stability in Afghanistan. He said that sustained and practical engagement with Afghanistan was critical to helping the Afghan people deal with the humanitarian and economic crises afflicting their country.

The Prime Minister reiterated his invitation to Prime Minister Støre to visit Pakistan at his earliest convenience.