VP FPCCI meets Federal Secretary of Climate Change


Islamabad (DNA) Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) Regional Chairman Muhammad Nadeem Qureshi held a special meeting with the Asif Haidar Shah Federal Secretary of Climate Change on the issues facing the polymer waste importers and recyclers industry. The meeting discussed the implementation of SOPs by the relevant ministries, including the threat posed to polymer waste importers and recyclers industry and the solution to the problems faced by this industry.

Muhammad Nadeem Qureshi, Regional Chairman & Vice President of FPCCI said the polymer waste industry stands on the brink of destruction. The closure of those who can barely run for a few months will make millions of unemployed and reduce foreign exchange in Pakistan. If Pakistan was focused on minor things in Pakistan, Pakistan would not only be economically stable but would also get rid of debt.

Nadeem Qureshi said that institutions should relieve the business community by playing their role in the country’s economic development, especially by implementing SOPs and restrictions on the recycling industry.

Asif Haidar Shah Federal Secretary of Climate Change assured the Ministry of Climate Change of full support to say that wherever you need our support regarding business community issues, we will be with you people for the solution and the economic development of Pakistan.

The meeting was also attending Syed Mujtaba Hussain Sr. Joint Secretary (I.C), Dr. Zaigham Abbas D.D (Chemical) Ministry of Climate Change, Atif Nawaz Mughal convener and Asif Sarwar, deputy convenor of FPCCI Standing Committee.