ACDC-ISSI In-house Meeting on “Paks Defence Day: 75 Years of National Defence” 


ISLAMABAD, SEP 6: /DNA/ – The Arms Control and Disarmament Centre (ACDC) at the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad (ISSI) organised an in-house meeting to celebrate Pakistan Defence Day titled  “Pakistan`s Defence Day: 75 Years of National Defence” On Tuesday, September 06 , 2022

In his opening remarks, Malik Qasim Mustafa, Director ACDC, highlighted that every year, the Pakistan nation celebrates September 6 as Pakistan’s Defence Day. The nation commemorates this national day as one of the proudest moments in Pakistan’s history when our Pakistani soldiers sacrificed their lives to safeguard our freedom and protect our homeland. September 6, 2022 to mark the 57th Defence, and ACDC has organised this event with a theme of “Pakistan`s Defence Day: 75 Years of National Defence.”

In her briefing, Ms Aamna Rafiq, Research Associate ACDC, said that Pakistan started its defence journey in 1947 Pakistan with only got 33% of defence assets from united India. Pakistan fought a war over Kashmir right at its inception, another one in 1965 and 1971. Pakistan has also contributed tremendously to UN peace keeping forces around the world. Then Pakistan became an overt nuclear power in 1998. She said that Pakistan armed forces are 6th largest and 9th most powerful in the world. Pakistan has also increasing defence export named as Arms for Peace.  Pakistan armed forces achieved much over the last 75 years. But Pakistan needs to develop and advance economically, in health, technology, and in human development.

Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Director General ISSI reminisced his experience as a child of the 1965 war. He said that the definition of defence has changed. Today non-traditional security is important. Also hybrid war, economic sanction, cyber threats transcend borders. He stressed that unity is needed to tackle any challenge – be it military, political or economic. Ethnic fault lines need to be bridged to achieve unity. He talked about the need to manage national issues efficiently. Mentioning the flood crisis that Pakistan is facing, he said that Pakistan can manage the water issues.

Participants around the In-House appreciated the sacrifices of Pakistan forces and said that with Pakistan there is no compromise on territorial integrity and sovereignty. National unity is needed to defend borders then and now. Others expressed confidence in Pakistan’s armed forces that they can defend our borders. Pakistan proved it during 2019 Pulwama Crisis that it can defend its territory.