PAF Disaster Relief Campaign Ramped Up in Flood Affected Areas



ISLAMABAD, AUG 29 /DNA/ – As the flood calamity is affecting all across the country, Chief of the Air Staff while taking stock of the deteriorating condition of the flood affected areas has given instructions to enhance PAF efforts into an aggressive flood relief campaign. CAS has also directed all bases to generate intrinsic support to flood affectees in coordination with local civil authorities for directed efforts. Additionally, PAF Flood Relief Donation Account is being established to assist flood victims.

Chief of the Air Staff’s Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief campaign is aimed to be a targeted effort, in order to make it more effective and efficient by reaching out to affected people in far flung areas stranded due to severed land routes. All branches of PAF have been directed to provide whole hearted efforts and support for this campaign. A focal point has been established at Air Headquarters, Islamabad to monitor the efficiency of the relief operations. For effective management, 03 relief zones have been established under Regional Air Commands whereas more than 25 helicopters and 08 C-130 aircraft of PAF Air Mobility Command are to be utilised for a swift reach out to inaccessible areas. For this effort, an Air Support Bridge is being established. For a concentrated relief support, tent cities are being established at appropriate locations for the displaced where they are being provided with free food, shelter and medical facilities. PAF help desk established at Disaster Relief Cell can be reached on 051-9260835 and 051-9262404 for any relief and rescue related information.