KARACHI, Aug 07 (DNA): Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has launched a
formal investigation into the alleged theft of material worth over Rs10
billion in Pakistan Steel Mill (PSM).
According to details, FIA Corporate Crime Circle Karachi has started an
investigation under Inquiry No. 44 following the formal request of the
Industries and Production Ministry. The ministry wrote a letter to the
FIA requesting to launch an immediate and transparent investigation to
bring to light the elements involved in the shocking theft. It is
believed that the assets of PSM were stolen in collusion with some
officers in the management.
FIA has written a letter to Riaz Hussain Mangi, the focal person of the
PSM asking him for the detail’s information of the heads of the security
department, security supervisor, storage, warehouse and guards posted at
all internal and external gates till January 1, 2018. The requested
information includes their name, father’s name, copy of National
Identity Card, phone number, residential address, date of appointment,
and details of where they are posted now.
The case came into the limelight when Abdul Rahman, an engineer of the
institution approached the Brigadier Shuja Hasan CEO of Pakistan Steel
Mill with documentary evidence having alarming revelations of the
alleged theft of more than 10 billion rupees in the mill. The matter
was also raised by PSM Insaf Labour Union.
Earlier, the PSM’s internal investigation also found evidence of the
involvement of senior management officers, which has been provided to
the FIA by the ministry. DNA